Basic concepts of Terraform

Basic concepts of Terraform

What is Terraform?

Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows you to build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently.

IaC is a code (human readable) that deploys your infrastructure resources onto various platforms instead of managing them manually through a user interface.

How to install Terraform locally

  • Download it from here
  • Test it by running command terraform -version
Terraform version check
Terraform version check

You can clone the code from my Github: Terraform Lab

HCL (Language) Basics

  • HCL – Harshi-corp configuration language
  • “.tf” is the extension of the configuration file
HCL Basics
HCL Basics

Terraform Execution Flow

Terraform Execution Flow
Terraform Execution Flow
  • Terraform Initialisation command: terraform init
  • Terraform Plan command: terraform plan
  • Terraform Apply command: terraform apply

Terraform Variable

Declaring a variable

Declaring a variable
Declaring a variable

Referencing a variable

Referencing a variable
Referencing a variable

Variable Type

Variable Type
Variable Type

Configure AWS-CLI

  • Download it from here
  • Check version aws --version
  • Configure keys aws configure
  • Test connection aws sts get-caller-identity


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